JT has been setting up my SCBU in readiness for lambing.
When he first asked me, 2 years ago, would I be interested in taking on an orphan lamb, I agreed instantly. I knew nothing. It's not like you see in films or pretty pictures. My Cumbrian friend who had sheep said, "Be warned: all sheep try to die. Some start sooner and try harder". NOW I know what she meant. But with all the enthusiasm of the ignorant I went out with my bottle. Of course, if I'd thought it through, I'd have known they would crap on me. It's natural I suppose.
JT said "Two conditions: don't get attached to them and don't give them names".
This is Fluffy. You can see why. She was the tiniest of 3 lambs born to one ewe and just wasn't getting fed. This year she's having twin lambs of her own. Erm....yes. We kept her. More about Fluffy anon.